What We Do

Pull from beyond your organization’s boundaries

Turn your Mission into a MovementSM


For nonprofits:

Energize your base by honoring and engaging their ideas and keeping them apprised of progress

Get feedback on what resonates with donors

Collaborate with other nonprofits and funding organizations

For foundations/ government:

Get visibility over evolution of project ideas

Facilitate suggestions by advisors

Curate sharing of ideas and data

For enterprise:

Align your outreach with your mission:

Corporate Social Responsibility;

Voluntary Time Off;

Open Source  /   Hackathons

Collaborate with other organizations:

Supply Chain;

Joint Ventures;


Easy, precise, control of access to shared content

Teamifier brings together and aligns the missions of governmental bodies, foundations, nonprofits, corporations, and their broad base of supporters. This alignment leverages information-modeling technology to solve common problems collaboratively by sharing solutions along with labor and funds to implement them, engaging all who are concerned with an issue and building relationships among them.


Build momentum within your organization’s boundaries

Your institutional e-memorySM


For any organization, Teamifier supports:


Focused Innovation

Distributed Cross-team Collaboration

Hiring & Onboarding

Team Formation

Employee Engagement